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Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine


If you are bothered that signs of aging are beginning to show on your face, a facelift might be right for you.

What to Expect

  • Average Time: Three to five hours
  • Anesthesia: General
  • Am I a good candidate? In good health, non-smoker, unhappy with current appearance of face
  • Recovery: Recovery instructions will be given to you post-surgery.
  • Risks: Bleeding, infection, poor healing, correctable loss of hair at incision sites, nerve injury, asymmetry, skin discoloration or sensitivity, and anesthesia risks
  • Inpatient/Outpatient: Both are possible
  • Cost: The cost of the procedure will be discussed at your consultation with Dr. Peterson.

A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, can give you a smoother look that not only gives you confidence, but also makes you look and feel younger.

Facelifts are often performed in conjunction with other cosmetic facial procedures, including brow lifts and eyelid surgery. While injectable fillers will not provide the same amount of correction as a facelift, they might provide the results you are looking for or allow you to put off a full facelift. A facelift will not fundamentally change your appearance. It also cannot completely stop the aging process.

Surgery Details

In a traditional facelift, Dr. Peterson makes an incision that begins in the hairline at the temples and extends to the lower scalp behind the ear. Using this incision, she will sculpt and redistribute material in the face, jowls, and neck. Before skin is re-draped, excess skin is removed, tightening skin to the underlying tissue.

In a neck lift, an incision is made in front of the earlobe that extends around the ear and into the lower scalp. Sometimes an incision is made under the chin. These incisions are used to tighten muscles and remove loose neck skin and fat accumulation.

Following surgery, your face might be wrapped to minimize swelling and bruising, and a tube may be placed that will drain excess fluid and blood. The effects of your facelift will be apparent immediately, but it may take several months for swelling to go down entirely. Incision lines may take six months to a year to mature.