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Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine

Eyelid Surgery

If you are concerned about the toll that aging has taken on your eyelids and the skin that surrounds them, eyelid surgery may be an opportunity to rejuvenate your appearance.

What to Expect

  • Average Time: One to three hours
  • Anesthesia: General
  • Am I a good candidate? In good health; no eye diseases like glaucoma, dry eye or a detached retina. Certain thyroid disorders and some cardiovascular disease may also prevent you from being a candidate.
  • Recovery: Recovery instructions will be given to you post-surgery.
  • Risks: Bleeding, infection, poor healing, certain eyelid disorders, temporarily blurred vision, lid lag, ectropion (the outward rolling of the eyelid), injury to eye muscles, loss of vision, and anesthesia risks
  • Inpatient/Outpatient: Outpatient
  • Cost: The cost of the procedure will be discussed at your consultation with Dr. Peterson.

The eyelids have a major effect on the way a face is perceived. Even if one is wide awake and completely alert, drooping eyelids can make a person look drowsy or disinterested. Bags beneath the eyes, or puffiness above the upper eyelid, only contribute to this perception.

Eyelid surgeries can be performed in conjunction with other cosmetic facial procedures including brow lifts, facelifts, and skin resurfacing.

Surgery Details

A drooping upper eyelid can be corrected using an incision following the upper crease of the lid. Once the incision has been made, Dr. Peterson will tighten the muscles and tissue in the lid and remove excess skin.

Work done on the lower eyelid is generally accomplished using an incision made just below the lash line.

After your procedure has been completed, Dr. Peterson may apply lubricating ointment and a compress. Your initial healing will likely include some swelling, bruising, irritation, and dry eyes.