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Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine

Brow Lift

By tightening skin and reshaping the underlying tissue and muscle, a brow lift can provide a more youthful, alert appearance.

What to Expect

  • Average Time: One to two hours
  • Anesthesia: General
  • Am I a good candidate? In good health, unhappy with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles across forehead, non-smoker
  • Recovery: 10 – 14 days
  • Risks: Bleeding, infection, poor healing, correctable loss of hair at incision sites, certain eyelid disorders, and anesthesia risks
  • Inpatient/Outpatient: Outpatient
  • Cost: The cost of the procedure will be discussed at your consultation with Dr. Peterson.

In addition to removing expression lines and creases across the forehead, a brow lift can provide relief to those worried that the position of their brows makes them appear tired or angry.

Brow lifts are often performed in conjunction with other cosmetic facial procedures, including eyelid surgery, facelifts, and skin resurfacing. Be sure to go into your pre-operative appointments with a clear goal in mind. From there, you and Dr. Peterson can work together to find what procedure or procedures can help you find your desired outcome.

Surgery Details

A number of different techniques are used by cosmetic surgeons to perform brow lifts. Dr. Peterson will choose one based on your face and desired outcome. Some brow lifts are performed through small incisions made just above the hairline.

If your desired outcome includes repositioning a sagging brow, incisions may be made at the temples and in the scalp. These incisions are often used in tandem with incisions hidden within the upper eyelids or on the bridge of the nose.

In a coronal brow lift, an incision is made above the hairline from ear to ear, and the forehead is lifted. This method allows Dr. Peterson to pinpoint specific areas of the brow and forehead that require attention, but it generally leads to a longer recovery.