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Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine

Breast Reduction

Overly large breasts can affect both mental and physical health.

What to Expect

  • Average Time: Three to four hours
  • Anesthesia: General
  • Am I a good candidate? Find out if you’re a good candidate by scheduling a consultation.
  • Recovery: Recovery instructions will be given to you post-surgery.
  • Risks: Scarring, bleeding, infection, poor healing, anesthesia risk, and breast asymmetry
  • Inpatient/Outpatient: Inpatient
  • Cost: The cost of the procedure will be discussed at your consultation with Dr. Peterson.

For Women

Excess breast tissue prevents many women from leading the active life they desire and can cause significant pain and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and back.

Maybe more importantly, overly large breasts can lead to a poor self-image. It can be difficult to find flattering clothes, and many women with large breasts feel extremely self-conscious about their figure and appearance. If your breast size is preventing you from living the life that you want, breast reduction could make everyday tasks more comfortable.

Surgery Details

A number of different incision patterns and techniques are available. Dr. Peterson will determine the best option for your procedure during your pre-operative appointments. The size of your breasts, skin elasticity, and the position of your areolas are all factors in this decision.

After the incisions have been made, Dr. Peterson will remove excess fat, skin, and glandular tissue. If necessary, liposuction can be used to remove additional fat.

Depending on the degree to which the nipples have been displaced, Dr. Peterson will reposition them and reduce the size of the areola, if necessary. Skin will then be tightened to evenly cover and reshape the smaller breast. Incision lines will never completely disappear but will fade considerably over time.

Most insurance companies consider breast reduction to be a reconstructive procedure and offer at least partial coverage. Often, pre-certification is required as a condition of coverage. Our office staff would be happy to work with you to understand what your insurer will and will not cover.

For Men

Gynecomastia is a condition in which a man’s breasts become overly developed due to factors including a change in hormone balance, simple heredity, disease, or the use of certain drugs.

The condition is very common in adolescent boys but usually disappears by adulthood. Adult men who suffer from the condition often struggle to come to grips with their body image and try to avoid activities that lead to embarrassment. If you’re a man who is unhappy with the size of his chest, breast reduction surgery can help you become more comfortable with your appearance.