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Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine

Breast Lift

By removing excess skin and tightening the tissue in the breast area, you can maintain a healthy body image, with a figure that makes you confident in and out of clothing.

What to Expect

  • Average Time: One to two hours
  • Anesthesia: General
  • Am I a good candidate? Fully developed breasts, in good health, non-smoker, sagging breast tissue
  • Recovery: Recovery instructions will be given to you post-surgery.
  • Risks: Noticeable scarring, bleeding, infection, poor healing, breast asymmetry, uneven breast contour, and anesthesia risks
  • Inpatient/Outpatient: Outpatient
  • Cost: The cost of the procedure will be discussed at your consultation with Dr. Peterson.

Often, due to weight loss, heredity, or simply the effects of aging, a woman’s breasts begin to sag and lose their firmness over time.

A breast lift will not significantly change the volume of your breasts. Sometimes aging causes a loss of breast volume, and if you are interested in breast augmentation, Dr. Peterson will work with you to help you make choices that will lead to your desired outcome.

Surgery Details

After the incisions have been made, Dr. Peterson will lift the tissue that makes up your breasts to improve contour and shape and provide firmness. She will also remove excess skin and lift the areolas to a higher and more youthful position. If your areolas have become enlarged over time, she may also reduce them by excising some of the surrounding skin.

Once the skin has been tightened and your incisions have been closed, the change in breast shape and position will be immediately noticeable.