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Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine

Body Lift

We all want a toned, smooth body, but sometimes even those who are the most vigilant in diet and exercise begin to notice unwanted changes to their figure.

What to expect

  • Average Time: Varies, depending on the amount of work required
  • Anesthesia: General
  • Am I a good candidate? Significant soft tissue looseness in one or multiple body areas, stable weight
  • Recovery: Recovery instructions will be given to you post-surgery.
  • Risks: Bleeding, infection, poor healing, uneven body contour or body asymmetry, and anesthesia risks
  • Inpatient/Outpatient: Inpatient
  • Cost: The cost of the procedure will be discussed at your consultation with Dr. Peterson.

Be it the result of aging, sun damage, childbirth, or fluctuations in weight, excess skin, cellulite, and fat can cause a loss of confidence in one’s appearance and a poor body image.

A body lift can be performed on the abdominal area and lower back, the buttocks, the groin, the thigh, or any combination of these locations. A body lift is not a substitute for weight loss and is not intended strictly for the removal of excess fat.

If skin elasticity is sufficient, liposuction, instead of a body lift, may be used to remove unwanted fat. If the skin is not able to support liposuction only, a combination of the two procedures may be needed to achieve best results.

Surgery Details

The incisions required to perform your body lift are almost entirely dependent on what combination of areas are being treated and factors unique to your body. In the case of a complete body lift, Dr. Peterson will make a circumferential incision around the body. This one incision will be used to remove excess skin and fat and tighten the underlying tissue with deep sutures. When the incision is closed, skin will be stretched and tightened to more closely fit the contour of the body.

The results of your body lift will be noticeable as soon as swelling goes down and fluid build-up has been removed, but it may take up to a year or more for the full effects to become visible. Your incision scars will never completely go away, but they will fade significantly over time.